“Hello” and other stuff

Welcome to this let’s-say-it’s-a-blog.

I am Milutin, but you can call me Mickey. Here I post some of my toughts and self -discussions which come to my mind occasionally. Posts are differential and can be a little bit longer because it’s easy for me to walk away from the topic. Still, they’re “I’m reading this in bus on my way from school” type of posts.

Ive started this blog from many reasons, but why should I bother you with them? Come, have a look and, if you like what you see, give me a follow, if you don’t, that’s OK.

At the bottom of every page you can find links for my social network accounts through which you can contact me (you can also do that through my email or form which you can find on “Contact” page).

Íf you happen to be offended by something, don’t hesitate to contact me or write it in the coments and I’ll quickly change or remove that post. I’m also open for suggestions.


“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”   -William Shakespeare


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