What’s the difference between desire and passion

Each one of us is a philosopher sometimes. Suddenly we start thinking of some random things. Some people think of very random and heavy topics. Those topics were kinda one of the reasons to start this blog. Here I put my thoughs, but other people’s thoughts too.

Few days ago, while I was on my training, a friend of mine asked me: “Whats the difference between desire and passion?” Well, it’s more likely that he said “wish”, but this sounds better as a topic of discussion.

This isn’t a question which is easy to answer. He, I and a few other guys discussed about it for some time. I think the one of few harder questions are: “What is love?”, “Do you trust me?” and “How does female brain work?” Each one of us can fave his own opinion. That’s why I call you to give me your opinion in coments below or continue to discuss about this on social media.

“Passions are vices or virtues to their highest powers.”   -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Desire and passion. You feel there’s a difference as soon as you read it, don’t you? The first thing that came to my mind when I was asked about it is that passion is something that is innate to us, either through the evolution or by societ, while desire is something which is personal, different from person to person. Also, desire can be temporary, while passion is longer-lasting.

My colleagues accepted this explanation, but not to it’s fullest. There were more suggestions I don’t remember, but after some time we came to the conclusion: passion is above desire.

That’s pretty simplified. That’s why it can’t be a deffinition. More percisely, desire isn’t strong as passion. For example, if I say something like: “I have a desire to play basketball.” Then I just like to play basketball and I’m interested in training it. From the other side, if I say: “I have passion for basketball.”, then I will focus myself on it, train to become better and even sacrifice something else in favor of basketball.

Do you agree with our explanation? Write down in the comments your opinion on this and then we shall continue the discussion if necessary.



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